Manche Makro-Befehle sind sprachabhängig (StartCommand).
Es gibt wenig Routinen um die Catia - Umgebungssprache zu bestimmen.
Die nachfolgende stammt zu grossen Teilen aus einem Thread von 2004. ( )
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetUserDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Integer
Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Integer
Sub catmain()
Kill CATIA.SystemService.Environ("CATTEMP") & "\FrameGeneral.xml"
End Sub
Function UserDefLang() As String
Select Case LoByte(GetUserDefaultLangID)
Case 4
UserDefLang = "Simplified Chinese"
Case 7
UserDefLang = "German"
Case 9
UserDefLang = "English"
Case 10
UserDefLang = "Spanish"
Case 12
UserDefLang = "French"
Case 16
UserDefLang = "Italian"
Case 17
UserDefLang = "Japanese"
Case 18
UserDefLang = "Korean"
Case Else
MsgBox "LangID: " & LoByte(GetSystemDefaultLangID)
End Select
End Function
Function HiByte(ByVal wParam As Long) As Integer
HiByte = wParam \ &H100 And &HFF&
End Function
Function LoByte(ByVal wParam As Long) As Integer
LoByte = wParam And &HFF&
End Function
Ab hier der Original-Thread:
Sub GetV5Lang()
Dim shelltext As String
Dim Filetxt As String
Dim txt As String
Dim iLangCode As Integer
Dim sLanguage As String
shelltext = Chr(34) & CATIA.SystemService.Environ("CATDLLPATH") & _
"\CATBatGenXMLSet.exe" & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & _
CATIA.SystemService.Environ("CATTEMP") & Chr(34) & " FrameGeneral"
Shell shelltext, vbHide
Filetxt = txt_ReadAll(CATIA.SystemService.Environ("CATTEMP") & _
txt = LTrim2(Filetxt, InStr(Filetxt, "UserInterfaceLanguage"))
txt = Left(txt, InStr(txt, "</Attribute>") - 1)
If InStr(txt, "<Value>") = 0 Then
'value 4 lang not found
Exit Sub
End If
txt = LTrim2(txt, InStr(txt, "<Value>") + 6)
iLangCode = CInt(RTrim2(txt, Len(txt) - InStr(txt, "</Value>") + 1))
Select Case iLangCode
Case 0
'sLanguage = "System Default"
sLanguage = UserDefLang
Case 714
sLanguage = "English"
Case 598
sLanguage = "French"
Case 602
sLanguage = "German"
Case 706
sLanguage = "Italian"
Case 807
sLanguage = "Japanese"
Case 608
sLanguage = "Korean"
Case 1828
sLanguage = "Simplified Chinese"
End Select
MsgBox sLanguage
End Sub
Private Function txt_ReadAll(ByVal sFilename As String) As String
Dim F As Integer
Dim sInhalt As String
' Existiert die Datei ?
If Dir$(sFilename, vbNormal) <> "" Then
' Textdatei im Binärmodus öffnen und gesamten
' Inhalt in einem Rutsch auslesen
F = FreeFile
Open sFilename For Binary As #F
sInhalt = Space$(LOF(F))
Get #F, , sInhalt
Close #F
End If
txt_ReadAll = sInhalt
End Function
Private Function LTrim2(ByVal str As String, ByVal dig As Integer)
LTrim2 = Right(str, Len(str) - dig)
End Function
Private Function RTrim2(ByVal str As String, ByVal dig As Integer)
RTrim2 = Left(str, Len(str) - dig)
End Function