Um einen bleibenden 3D-Schnitt im  Product anzulegen, ist eigentlich eine spiezielle Lizenz erforderlich.

Mit nachfolgendem Makro geht's, zumindest in R19, auch ohne.

' Procedure : CATMain
' Author    : from the forum
' Date      : 25.06.2015
' Time      : 22:32
' Languages : VBA 6.5
' V5-Release: V5R19/21
' Purpose   : Adds a persistant section to a product document
' Parms     : -
' Ret. Value: -
' Syntax    : -
' Prereqs   : an active product
' Remarks   : Tested with V5R19; works without sectioning license!
Sub catmain()
'Sub AddSectToProd()
    Dim rootDoc As ProductDocument
    Dim root As Product
    Dim oProds As Products
    Dim oSections As Sections
    Dim oSection 'As Section
    Set rootDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
    Set root = rootDoc.Product
    Set oProds = root.Products
    Set oSections = root.GetTechnologicalObject("Sections")
    Set oSection = oSections.Add
End Sub

Zum Seitenanfang