This example shows how two timers can be handleed within 'WndProc'.

All messages sent to the UserForm's window pass through WndProc. The WM_TIMER messages are taken care of by our WndProc; all other messages are passed on to the original WndProc to be handled there.

This is how WndProc looks:

Public Function WndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
   Static lsecs As Long

   Select Case uMsg
      Case WM_TIMER
         Select Case wParam
            Case ID_TIMER1                                     'display time
               lsecs = lsecs + 1                               'inc. loop counter
               GetLocalTime st
               frmSB_Demo.SetSBText Format$(st.wHour & st.wMinute & st.wSecond, "00:00:00"), 2
            Case ID_TIMER2
               frmSB_Demo.SetSBText "Looping through delay counter: " _
                  & Format$(iTimeInterval - lsecs, "000") & " secs left", 0
               If lsecs > iTimeInterval Then                   'when time is up
                  frmSB_Demo.SetSBText "Another proc started", 0  'do something
               End If
         End Select
      Case Else
         ' Here, we forward all irrelevant messages on to the default message handler.
         WndProc = CallWindowProc(oldWndProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
      End Select
End Function

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