This script will create parentheses around selected dimensions:
Option Explicit
' Procedure : MakeRefDim
' Author : jherzog
' Date : 14.05.2015
' Time : 15:33
' Languages : VBA 6.5
' V5-Release: V5R19/21
' Purpose : Add brackets to dimension (ref dim)
' Parms : -
' Ret. Value: -
' Syntax : MakeRefDim
' Prereqs : An active drawing with dimensions
' Remarks : Interactive; multi-sel; try 'Outside rectangle selection trap'
Sub CATMain() 'MakeRefDim()
Dim oAD As DrawingDocument
Dim InputObjectType(0)
Dim oSel As Object 'Selection
Dim oDim As DrawingDimension
Dim oDimVal As DrawingDimValue
Dim strStat As String
Dim n As Integer
Set oAD = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set oSel = oAD.Selection
InputObjectType(0) = "DrawingDimension"
strStat = oSel.SelectElement3(InputObjectType, "Wählen Sie die Bemaßung aus", True, CATMultiSelTriggWhenSelPerf, True)
If (strStat <> "Normal") Then
MsgBox "Abbruch"
Exit Sub
For n = 1 To oSel.Count2
Set oDim = oSel.Item2(n).Value
Set oDimVal = oDim.GetValue
oDimVal.SetBaultText 1, "(", ")", "", ""
End If
End Sub